Whatever is holding you back, let it go!

You’re ready for it. Allow me to guide you.

I catalyze belief-shifting experiences for big-hearted women who are ready to take full ownership of their lives. Welcome! A whole new level of being is waiting for you.

Show Your True Self

By the time you were seven, you formed most of your foundational beliefs about yourself. The beliefs are your particular way to make sense of what you experienced when you were but a girl. They are the conclusions you drew about your SELF based on the experiences you lived.

When we aren’t met with acceptance at that age, our usual reaction is to hide that part of our SELF away to make sure we are safe, that we are loved and that we belong. It’s like putting on a mask that covers our true face. And one day, we have worn this mask for so long that it feels like the actual skin on our face.

So, taking off this mask might feel scary. What if nothing remains?

But what if taking it off is the most liberating, most invigorating and most affirming thing you can do for your SELF? For the people in your life? And for humanity?

Rapid Transformational Therapy®

The foundational beliefs are stored on your “subconscious server” and run on auto-pilot. That’s why it is so difficult to access the original “script” in a conscious state. It also minds that your phenomenal mind already holds the information you need to understand what is holding you back.

RTT® allows you to get to the root cause of what is holding you back easily and quickly. (Yes, letting go of limiting beliefs and behaviors doesn’t have to be hard or take years!) With RTT, we access your subconscious mind and rewire your brain with extraordinary results. It’s truly rapid and transformational.

What makes RTT® so exceptional is the profound understanding of how the mind – conscious and subconscious – operates. How the mind creates beliefs that then shape us. It is a powerful form of hypnosis that incorporates effective principles of neuroplasticity, neuro-linguistic programming and cognitive behavioral therapy.

What issues can RTT® help tackle?

Please inquire about any issue not mentioned here.

When I first happened upon Rapid Transformational Therapy® online, I felt like an archeologist who just discovered the holy grail. I finally found an instrument – a magic wand of sorts – to help my clients grow exponentially.

I’m so thankful to have come across Marisa Peer, the brilliant woman who created RTT®, who is famous for fixing people’s issue in a single session. Today, I’m proud to call her my teacher and mentor.

Training in RTT® was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only professionally, but also personally. It has profoundly impacted my life. It’s my honor, purpose and privilege to do this important work.

RTT® was instrumental in navigating my high-risk pregnancy. I have a daughter thanks to it.

What happens in a session?

I begin by putting you into a very relaxed state of hypnosis. In this state, we are able to access your subconscious mind. You are in control at any point during the session and you will recall everything afterwards. We then revisit scenes from your life, which have everything to do with how your foundational beliefs – the drivers of your current
behaviors – were first formed.

By looking at scenes with your adult eyes, you gain a new understanding of them and let go of beliefs that no longer serve you. After looking over three or four scenes and exploring together to understand their meaning for you, I then give your mind suggestions, upgrading you with new, supportive beliefs that are aligned with what you want for yourself and your life.

After the session, you receive a bespoke recording of 15 to 20 minutes, which you listen to for at least 21 days. The mind learns by repetition (because our minds are “plastic” in neurological terms). So, by hearing the suggestions every day, you’re programming into yourself the new, desired beliefs. Sustainably. And that’ll lead to new patterns of thought, which in turn leads to new patterns of behavoir. Ingenious, right?

That’s why RTT® is so effective in breaking habits like emotional eating or smoking. And it’s also amazing for unmet needs, low self-esteem, confidence issues, anxiety, unexplained infertility, procrastination and many more. And beyond liberation, there is a whole new level of expansion beyond your comfort zone waiting for you!

My RTT® packages

30-day RTT® Journey

  • a 30-minute coaching conversation to sketch your RTT® session (a few days prior to the session)
  • a 2-hour phenomenal RTT® session (online, from the comfort of your home)
  • a bespoke audio recording (to rewire your brain with lasting empowering beliefs)
  • a 30-minute closing call to celebrate your transformation (approx. 3 weeks after the session)
  • email support throughout the package duration
Your investment: €444.00 (taxes may apply)

Personality & Purpose

  • a 90-minute coaching conversation to discover your unique personality and functioning
  • a 30-minute coaching conversation to sketch your RTT® purpose session (a few days prior to the session)
  • a 2-hour brilliant purpose RTT® session (online, from the comfort of your home)
  • a bespoke audio recording (to kick off your purpose-led life)
  • a 30-minute closing call to celebrate your transformation (approx. 3 weeks after the session)
  • email support throughout the package duration
Your investment: €666.00 (taxes may apply)


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